*In a strange conicidence, I put on my new remastered Korean copy of the first Jackie Chan movie to really make an impact on me back in the day: WHEELS ON MEALS. I sorta didn't pay attention as I was pretty much freaking out about the powerbook getting all shitty, but I at one point today said to myself "Jesus, you know it;'s been like 20 years since Jackie, Sammo, and Yuen Biao appeared on screen together. The last time was HERE in one of my top ten films of all time: "DRAGONS FOREVER"

*In better spirits in the evening, we threw on the recent French hit film "36 Quai des Orfèvres", which was fucking AWESOME. Of course, Hollywood is remaking it, as remaking cool foreign cop films, like INFERNAL AFFAIRS is currently the trend. Here's a bit about the film from the Edinburgh Film Festival program:

*I want you to know I had an E-mail exchange with the infamous Anus McManus (as I call it McAnus), who asked to be a part of this blog. He did tell me to "Taste The Anus" when I told him he was "mean", and just as he was the talk of the town last week, he is long forgotten this week. However, my current suspects involve not only someone who is mentally retarded and is probably still in the 8th grade in Garden City New York, but also a famous French film star who I will not name, but admire tremendously. Thanks to Lurch for the tip on this one.

*Thanks to poor timing, I ended up seeing the Cameron Diaz film IN HER SHOES which was actually a well made movie about two sisters. One's hot, one's fat. I felt this movie was 4 hours long. However, it does not suck and I have a feeling, being an only child, and not being a chick, that i didn't get nearly as much as the 100 bawling chicks, including my Significant Other (Irene, Not G), did. Curtis Hanson is a great director and knows which strings to pull. Again, chick flick that does not such. Well done. Supposedly it's based on a book and supposedly, according to the avid reader of the house, they didn't fuck up the movie. Rare.
*I need to vent to you my absoulte HATRED of the talentless and unfunny man known as Horatio Sanz. He represents everything that is wrong with SNL, which I just watched for the first time in years just to see Jon (Napoleon Dynamite) Heder, and while of course the show still sucks, I cannot believe this guy Sanz is still on. Formerly Jimmy Fallon's bitch, this guy cannot keep a straight face during a skit. He breaks character every time, can barely deliver the lines he's given and looks like he just arrived at work and hasn't been told what they are doing that day. He stares at cue cards like The Kidd does at porn. He's just terrible and lame and should be fired. Why are they not hiring guys like Rob Huebel and Aziz Ansari, who are truly funny bastards? Check out http://www.azizisbored.com/ for some funny shit right there.
In yet another example of conicidence or gimmick infringement, please observe the following photographic evidence that once again displays the similiarities between myself and my bass hero, Peter Hook:

I guess considering I basically stole EVERYTHING from the man from his bass playing, his mild insanity, and stage performance, to his hair and gut, I can venture to say that he is entitled to steal my "being seen in public with an asian chick" gimmick in return. However, I win for being photographed with two chicks and just for the look on Al's face to my left where she is thinking "I can't believe I came here with Brandt". But thats for another time.
Stay Golden. I got some big news coming...
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