So here's the new James Bond, Daniel Craig. He's not an obvious choice, but after seeing LAYER CAKE just last night in anticipation of this announcement, I feel he's the absolute right choice. Even moreso than Clive Owen. Daniel Craig is weird that in photographs he appears rather plain almost, yet on film he's got charisma that I feel makes him more akin to Connery than say Brosnan (who, for the record was a a fucking awesome 007). The problems with the James Bond movies as of late have nothing to do with the actor playing the role, but the producers' inability to shake things up and make it fresh and contemporary (ala BATMAN BEGINS). However, they CLAIM this will be the one that reboots the franchise. I hope they're right. They certainly have the right actor for it. Wait and see.
I love Daniel Craig forever and ever.
Hey Junk: Your "Daniel Craig borrows Sienna Miller, becomes Bond" headline was genius. Well done, love!
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