
Big Japan All Star

Tokyo is the most DANGEROUS city I have ever been to in my life.

Why? Not because of crime or anything physically threatening, but because they have so much cool shit that I'm going to be broke by the time today is out (I'ts Monday morning here, but Sunday afternoon for you guys back in NYC). The city is beautiful, moreso than I remember, the people are very nice, and the food, my God, the food. I literally cannot stop eating and drinking something very strong called Sho-Chu. Rolling First Class is budget compared to the way these guys do it up here. Our hosts are insanely nice, even going so far as to take me to THIS just moments after I mentioned it:


Can you believe this? A fucking Star Wars exhibit opens the weekend I'm here? The fates are kind to this young man. Kudos to my dad for the IM letting me know about this! I literally almost ran out the door until our host was like "relax, we'll take you right now". They had the actual Jedi Starfighters from Episodes 2 and 3 at this thing. I mean the real ships they built for the movie. Its the first and only exhibit of it's kind to cover the entire spectrum of both trilogies. Anyhow...you can guess what my reaction was to all this.

Did some sightseeing and of course, more shopping. Come on, how could I say no to buying a an action figure based on wrestling legend Keiji Mutoh? How can I deny buying Crossbeats all-Oasis issue of the "Ultimate Version" of the Kasabian album? Why do I feel like Saintface would be huge here? Note to Mattagement: I think the first ever HF gig should be here.

The Japanese love all the crazy stuff I love. Music. Film. Technology. Toys. I in turn love the Japanese. I hope this is the first of many trips here (though I need some of those aggression royalty checks first to spend or Irene and I are going to to have to move into a log cabin so I can afford spending on shit here!).

I love you, but I'm never coming home. Send Irene and my Thunderbird and I'm good to go. Oh I didn't even mention the super sweet fucking Tea Maker in my room. COME ON!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What?!? No Hamillatsu doll!!! I heard the pre-propecia version was huge over there. I guess maybe they were sold out that weekend.