
The Meat Market

I'm still digging the Ryan Adams album immensely to the point where it's taking me time to get focused on the new Cure album. Upon the first few listens, I'm really liking the songs and the band sounds really inspired and motivated. In particular, Mr. Smith is pissed as hell on this record. I like that. However, I think the production blows, the mixing is flat and the severe raping of the defining Simon Gallup bass tone severly damages this album for me. I have a feeling that after seeing them perform these songs live at the end of next month I will appreciate them more. While I love the influence the producer has had on the band in terms of writing and performance, I think he should have stayed far away from the mixing.

Since you last read me, I have been spending signficant time between both of my bands. For the aggression, I solidified the tracklisting for the album and it will truly complete that era of music. I then proceeded to go hogwild (heheh) and do 95% of the artwork for it. The front cover is something I have been dying to commit to CD for some time, It's a photo of Iceland at night (taken by Brandt), but I'm just waiting on a few fonts to get it totally into shape. Thanks to Leo, I have all the fonts from FLOOD, so there will be continuity from the previous full length (Similar to the first two aggression CD's). I'll post the cover when it's done.

Meanwhile, check out www.theaggression.com for details on the new album as well an update on what the various members who DON'T post on this Blog are up to.

As for Hypefactor, Brandt and I took another stab at 1956 on Monday. We cracked it even further. Usually I would think at this point we are overthinking the song, but in reality the song needs this work and it's becoming more organic as we progress. This time, Brandt finally had the live drums ready to play with the song and Robin is so fierce on it that we dropped another load of loops out of the song. Like I said, organic. Thanks to those new guitar parts from Leo, the vocal melodies need to totally change. Thats my next assignment. B did a really cool rough mix for me to take along so I'm at work as we speak!

I've started to give friends and family a sneak peak at the material and the response has been very strong, I'm happy to say. I gave Almost Bar Fighter Dan Hamill a sneak preview and he was impressed and very complimentary. He's probably my biggest litmus test of music outside the musical core. Because he is not a musican (he is a stage actor), he represents "the people"...I think.

In the meantime, the THIRD band I have had the pleasure of being associated with has a nice review in Outburn this month and a good interview with Mr. Louche himself. Read it HERE: http://trixvintage.com/outburnchemlab.jpg (Thanks to whoever posted it on the Cracknation site).

On deck this week is seeing SPIDERMAN 2 tomorrow night. Then, we have a gathering of the Factor Corp. principles (Brandt, Ash, Robin, myself and now Charles) scheduled for Thursday night to review everything. Hopfully no one will flake because I really want all of these people in a room asap. All that's left is the vocals for 1956 and Peterface. The light at the end of the tunnel grows brighter.


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