Hello from New York. It's that day today, so hug em if you got em. Life's good kids, don't forget that. In a week where I'm playing Star Wars games, seeing Oasis (THIS DIDN"T HAPPEN), Paul Weller, and Goldfrapp (THIS DID HAPPEN)
It was Irene's birthday last week, so we took a quick trip to San Francisco so she could see the Krugers and also meet her new baby cousin Farrah, or as her father (quite a fan of the footie) calls her, F.C. It was a great albeit short trip. Happily, we got to see Jenni and Skott as well, though way too brief as well, though Skout the dog is the awesome. However, our trifecta of friends and family (Krugers, Cousins, Jennis) was reached and can't complain about that.
SF is awesome. I just get such a good vibe from the town. It feels great, it looks great, and I am always comfortable and happy there. I recently said to a friend that if my business was in San Fran and not LA, I'd have moved to LA. His response was "then it wouldn't be San Fran." Good point. Anyhow, most importantly, Irene had her birthday wish of celebrating with the kids and getting her Aunite on. She took them to school, bathed them, fed them, the whole thing. We ate well, had a picnic with the kids, grabbed some Dim Sum and of course, the In and out Burger was had upon landing. We flew the Virgin America again, right now my fave airline.
Anyhow, did you catch the ENTOURAGE premiere? Fucking weak as shit. I hope this show goes somewhere VERY quick or thats another show off the fucking list. God!
Last night, G, B, and I grabbed a bite at the Osteria and then took it to the Nokia to see Weller with full band for the first time in our lives. We'd seen him acoustical a few times, but never the full rock experionce. It was one of those rare gigs when we were the youngest in the crowd, were able to get close to the stage while still being comfortable, and enjoy the rock as it was meant to be. Weller in a nutshell, is fucking awesome and despite 30 years plus in the business, shuns nostalgia in favour of rocking the fuck out with a crisp and tight awesome band, the glue of which is Steve Craddock of Ocean Colour Scene who is quite simply the dogs bollocks. He's insanely good and a perfect foil for Weller, who is energetic, charismatic, and plays effortlessly like the superstar he is. Yes, he snuck and acoustic set in there as well and then brought out Kelley Jones from Stereophonics to jam out some Jam, including G's beloved Eaton Rifles. Sick awesome. A real treat. Now bring on the Gallaghers tomorrow (THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN)
Anyway, in even better news, we got us a new LINK. Baby Mimi, seen here with her awesome sister Lucy:

Awesome and wisely a link GIRL. Phew! Hopefully we will meet them very very soon!
OK, back to the world of MOG. Talk soon.
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