Anyhow, I got home late Friday night. I was a dumbfuck on the flights back and forth cause I was on the JetBlue and they have the TV's so I watched like every TV news show covering the Benoit business. Horrible. It depressed the fuck out of me. I should have ignored it. I did for a bit and worked on the tunes, but you can't turn that goddamn little TV off. Anyhow, I was in a mood by the time I got home. I literally walked into the apartment, put the bags down, got some Greys Papaya, which helped the mood and then found my other half at her hangout where we celebrated Lynnel's birthay. Some of the female readers of this site have complained that Irene and I are never in any pictures together so here's one so the 3 of you can shut the fuck up:

So we drank to the wee hours. Roger, a cool man to know, almost threw down with a drunken cockhugger outside of the bar who was harrasing the diminutive owner of the bar. I ran out to help cause the fucker was supposedly was getting back up, and of course, Roger, ever so charming, has diffused shit and was back in the bar talking up some ass. I of course, in my bad ass rush to defend him, walked right past the guy. Then we laughed:

The next day was Saturday and boy was I tired. The last few weeks of work, plus the Benoit shit, really took a hit on me. Irene, wise to my travel ways, spoiled me Saturday with home cooking, lots of tea and even more alone time. She even came back with the one comic I couldn't find in LA, my beloved pal Geoff Johns' new book SINESTRO CORPS which is easily the best comic I have read in 2007. Check this shit out, it sold out all over the place. It's a bad ass fucking comic:

Sunday, again no rest for the weary as it was back to Brooklyn to HF it up a bit. Of course we clowned around, walked over the Willie B while the dog puked and shat his brains out (too hot for the poor fucker!) and then of course some pies and thighs. Oh we worked on some music as well, but we have a lot of work ahead of us on a specific song. Anyhow, in even better news, the first HF album track was officially declared DONE today. DONE. 10 more to go. So hey check this out, B knows how to keep his bandmate happy by keeping this in the fucking fridge:

Then I saw DIE HARD 4 which shockingly is the best sequel this summer. I really enjoyed it. It's a DIE HARD movie! I liked it better than the 3rd one and Bruno is awesome, you know. This is his thing. He and Justin Long had great chemistry and Tim (he told me to call him Tim) Olyphant was a really good bad guy. It gets kinda wack at the end, but not too wack and I really enjoyed it. Kudos Len.
This week I tried out my new NY office. It was cool. It has a view. Its near Han. Irene came by. We missed the Han cut off so we had some Joe's Shanghai. Not bad. The office is way up. Nice people. No one bothers me. I work. It's sweet. I wanted to stay longer but I had to buy Leo v23 some tea and dessert at Dean and Deluca. It was a good catch up. I am his fan and he knows it. He's gonna re-do some of his HF business to bring the level up. It was good to see him! He has a new album, check that out.
And here I am, tired again, ready to drink some Kurosawa on the 4th to celebrate you Americans. I might play music, I might go to a BBQ, who the fuck knows. I just know that whatever I do, your ass will be reading about it here. Out of jealousy simply because you couldn't do these things cause youe life is always on short notice. You get me. Puss.
Montreal beckons, marking another week I can't seem to spend in NY. Me and Queens and hopefully Matt are going up early to take nephew to see TRANSFORMERS (which the youngster has already seen), then it's Ash's bachelor party, sponsored by the MOGpac. Then I am bringing sister and nephew BACK to NY and hopefully we can keep the small fry around for the rest of the Summer. He has a lot to catch up on.
Oh this might be my favourite picture ever (Happy Birfday, Viks):

Hey, nice to see you. Really.
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