I'm happy to report that all is well in Krugerland. The kids are awesome and the parents remain the dearest of friends. Papa Kruger, formerly of the aggression, and I spent a lot of time together, which was certainly a treat as it is rare in this day and age for us adults to just get together and shoot the shit about a wide range of topics. Because, you know that's what happens when you're no longer in college and have responsibilities of the adult kind. Anyhow, Kruger's askew views of X3 (I'm saying that very diplomatically, asshole) notwithstanding, my former roommate and co-originator of the MOG brand, is fun to drink with till 2am (especially when you have to be up at 5am to get the airport). I need to state for the record that San Francisco is without a doubt my second favourite city in the U.S. and A and easily the best city on the West side of things. Amazing city. Great culture, nice people, good food and as you see, home to two of the cutest babies I know.
My trip was a success, but the time there was short. Normally. I would extend my trip into the weekend to get more time with the kids, but alas, the world of Hypefactor deemed it so that I had to return to the isle of Manhattan for two days of HF related activity. The first day, was, believe it or not, the 07 HF photoshoot, which took place in a deserted office above a theatre on the Bowery. Ms. Rose, the usual HF photog, once again brought her cool, laid back self to the proceedings and got us to try and look as cool as possible, which of course never works and thus things degenerated into the laugh riot you would normally expect. It all seemed quite French. Especially when, a few months from now, we unveil our new side project "Scarf N Ass". Long story. Not long enough. Anyhow, in between takes, I took a photo of HF member SummerMan just to give you an idea of the space:

I had a blast doing this, obviously. My healthy ego enjoys having pictures taken and I actually think this is going to look cool (wherever we end up using them!) Today, we had the most frustrating day EVER on an HF song, trying to crack a bridge in AZUMI. This section has beaten Brandt like HHH vs Ultimate Warrior at Mania all those years ago. But we'll get there. It's what we do.
Oh remember that new brickover pizza nice hardcore Eye-Talian place I mentioned the other day? B and I had a healthy lunch there yesterday and then tonight, the DeSanto family grabbed a bite there as well: Cacio e Vino 80 2nd Ave (Cross Street: Between 4th Street and 5th Street) New York, NY 10003, (212) 228-3269. With the demise of our briefly beloved Poetessa, this is the new hot shit.
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