Sorry for the delay. I've been doing Toy Fair the last few days and have some seen some sweet shit that has made me put in many a call to my nephew and many IM's Matt Gentile (my fellow Star Wars fanatic). How are you all doing?
All is well here in cold and possibly about to be snowed under NYC. Irene had one of those weekend off things, so I made it a point to stick around the house because I was starting to see Brandt more, but that didn't stop he and I from collaborating via the world wider internets most of the day Saturday. We had several projects on the agenda, including what is now the temporary, small, yet entertaining (I feel like I just described the kidd) home for By now you have hopefully seen it, we're well chuffed to finally have something up there after like 3 or 4 years of likes like "the kidd will be in the live band" and other aborted thoughts. Now its the real deal. While doing that I worked on what my computer tells me is called HF3 which B presented me some sweet fucking drum edits for what used to be called HF2. Our intention is, as soon as we hand off this album to ASH for mixing, we go right into a series of smaller follow up EP's of new material and remixes. We have plenty of new songs to accomplish this and I'm putting this down on "paper" now to see if, a year or two from now, this plan was implemented. But anyhow, it's full steam ahead big time for the HF machine and the momentum is building.
But this was also a weekend for your hero eating (and drinking) like the star he pretends to be:
On Friday night, we just couldn't figure out what the fuck to have for dinner. We knew we wanted to go out, we were feeling seafood, Oysters in particular so Irene put that subscription I got her to NY and found us a place: Jack's Luxury Oyster Bar (246 E. 5th St., New York, NY 10003 212-673-0338). First off, I need to tell you that the word "luxury" kills me for some reason. I crack the fuck up when I hear it, especially when Danny says it. Actually, I'm thinking of the word "plush", but anyhow. This place was fucking awesome. Great Oysters and then an amazing selection of smaller, tapas style dishes. I strongly urge you all to try the Lobster Prefiteroles. Serial. Anyhow, this was a nice way to end the week
Since Brandt wasn't free Saturday night and Irene was at the Plug Awards, I had mentioned to the artist formerly known as Gutterball Vinnie that I was available for manly activity. Obviously, he was overwhelmed by my availability and proceeded to book a fancy ass dinner for us, including Doug The Cowardly and Lurch at Del Posto. Now, I am sure I have mentioned this place before, as it is the awesomest and we did our birthdays there this year and then sat next to Anne Hathaway (!) when we went for my Dad's birthday. Anyhow, Danny has the hook up as his sister handles some sweet ass desserts there. But before that we (meaning, this was my idea), we saw the motion picture known as SMOKIN ACES. I don't know what to say. The guys all hated it, but I was entertained possibly because I had a few drinks before I got there. It was one of those movies that would have been a cult classic had it not been in english and made by either Asians or Europeans and shot on another continent. Instead, you just get a mess and a justifiable reason why Van Wilder is not the movie star everyone thought he was going to be. However, Jason Bateman is a welcome and awesome cameo. He goes all out. Similar to the photo below.
Anyhow, we got to Del Posto early because of the cold ass weather and drinks were had. Danny and I braved the RESERVE (please refer to the recent post from Asbury Park) and this place is so fancy, someone carries your fucking drinks to the table. Then we were treated like champs. Order one thing, you get 3. SEVEN desserts for four men. And it's the best. Here's how they describe the place on their website and I find it hard pressed to argue:
"Del Posto is the ultimate expression of what an Italian restaurant should be. Joe Bastianich, Lidia Bastianich and Mario Batali represent a convergence of different styles and experiences. The restaurant concept generated at Del Posto can best be described as trans-generational: an expression of the evolution of cuisines, menus, service and ambiance that have characterized the history of the Italian dining experience in this country.
Del Posto creates the highest quality dining experience in what is one of the greatest indoor spaces in New York City. Without projecting stilted formality, Del Posto creates an ambiance filled with warmth buoyancy and lightheartedness of the Italian spirit."
I don't know what half of that means, but I know I fucking agree. And we ate like men. We also did the wine tasting menu, which meant a glass of wine with every course (including dessert). This is not cheap, but between all the stuff they give us, and considering how fucking amazing it all is, its very easy to part with the money. Sometimes, you just have to live large.
Looking Good. Feeling Good (now we're talking a few martinis, some whiskey and many many glases wine into the evening), what do 3 men (the coward went home) do after speanding many hours in one of the fanciest places in the city? They do a complete 180 and bring it to Hells Kitchen to rock it in the Buble Lounge at Siberia. In recent years, I have grown very fond of this part of town, mainly in part for it being the last place that feels like the New York I grew up loving, also for the cheap dive bars, and recently for my friend Frank who has educated me on the area and it's history. So we had fun drinking to the wee hours, and I think we ended up closing some other bar near Siberia. I don't remember much after though I'm told I was very "special" when I came home after 4 and Irene and her friend were watching TV. Beats me.
Anyhow, at about 345 that morning, while still in the bar, I learned things about my younger sibling that I never thought i would ever want to know. So I decided to call him, which in retrospect was probably not a good idea. He responded with the following.

This shut me up. The OTHER photo he sent, the bad one, is not going on here, but can be found on the internets if you know where to look. Serial. Anyhow, I hope you are all well. I want to give a shout out (have I ever done anything so silly on here) to those few who are having the tough week. Keep it strong, especially for the little ones!