I'm glad to see the previous post garnered that much interest. I must of course thank Vikki and Roberto for making it happen. Sometimes you don't need Facebook to bring people together. If you don't know who that is in the pic, you have no business reading this blog. Dollhouse looks awesome, girl.
Before I get into all this, Fernwood is back with his BIGGEST COLUMN ever, the 2008 draft edition. Check it: http://tvblog.ugo.com/index.php/tvblog/more/who_booked_this_crap_draft_live_blog/
So, yes, I know, it is a busy summer, man. Been racing all over, and honestly I haven't popped into Bk to work on tunes the way I would like to, but it's one of those life gets in the way few weeks. So in between green screen tests and repeated listens of the new Verve single, I will try to update you now.
Last Friday night, Matt Gentile Club Superstar Last Of The Famous International Playboys (tm), Ash, Irene and myself went to check out the long delayed Cure gig at MSG. This gig was a million times better than the Curiosa gig a few years back (probably reviewed on this very blog). They started off with a new song that sounded GREAT and then played a solid selection of hits. Mid way, it died down a bit, mostly because they busted out some more recent "hits", and the new songs are kind of dodgy, to be honest. However, they picked it up in the last hour (of a 3 hour show!) and really pumped it out. 35 songs total and I would say most of it was fucking awesome. Bob Smith's idea to strip the band down to a 4 piece was a good idea, however, the lack of a keyboardist was very apparent when Bob tried to re-create the keyboard parts on the guitar. This was a real hit or miss thing, and for me, this was a huge error. I would have even been cool if they had the parts on a backing track. A lot of emotion was lost because of that. However, it is a minor concern. I was happy to see them and Matt Gentile Club Superstar Last Of The Famous International Playboys (tm), tells me they were even better the next night at Radio City, which I am actually now wondering how he got tix because I recall us trying and not getting them. Sneaky git.
Afterwords Matt Gentile Club Superstar Last Of The Famous International Playboys (tm), Ash, Irene and myself walked over to some bar on 38th street to meet up with the woman who can't stop buying you drinks, Michelle, sister of Matt Gentile Club Superstar Last Of The Famous International Playboys (tm). We spun some tunes (MANY), had some drinkies and just had a few laughs. All in all a casual fun evening and for the record, Ash's views on baby poo are hlarious.
The next day I popped into B's for a little bit before grabbing a car, grabbing and Irene and then hitting the road to see Fury and Family in the city of brotherly loves. They were up in Philly from the beach house to check out the set of his most recent project, which Cameron will see next year and tell me is the BEST MOVIE EVER MADE. We hit no traffic and even stopped for a Nathans just in time to catch the kids before the went nite nite. This was of course the laugh riot. Photos forthcoming. Then we took mama Fury out to dinner where we ate large and Fury himself popped up to order some crabcakes, write some dialogue for Mutt, and then return to the black hole of the set.
The next day, we had a fun breakfast with the whole gang. Ro is the awesome big sister, Avy is the little devil, and the newest addition is the sweetest cutest thing and I could not stop feeding her. Awesome. Then we chilled at the park which was even more fun and then eventually around lunch time, they had to return to delaware. Irene and I stuck around the Philly (as we spent a lot of time there in our early daze), and at the suggestion of my friend Tony Moonpie (not his real name, though his place in history is that he is in the art dept on both mine and Fury's current movies), we checked out a sick awesome restaurant called Audrey Claire. KILLER food. We were SO full. We got our asses back in the car and hightailed it through the evening back to NYC. All in all a successful trip. It was great to just hang out for a bit with nothing on the immediate agenda.
Back in NY. In the next few days: Green screen tests. Baye. Maybe some hooky. Peter Murphy. Zoe. The triumphant Triple S. Oma Bradish. It's a full plate. Eat well.
Pulling A Cramp
Running on no sleep and lots of tea. Hello Friends. I have been writing SO much, some of which you might read someday (or tomorrow) that mustering up the strength to tell you about myself is difficult. THAT'S when you know its busy.
How are you? I am watching France Vs Italy. France is going home. I feel it. I'm sorry Damien. I think that's the case. They suck this year. I remember sitting in Les halles all those years ago with a hundred crazy fucking Frenchers and going mental when they won the cup. Fine, whatever. Wack.
I'm over in Hells Kitchen a lot these days. It's fun. Another part of the city I have yet to explore. The best part of a new gig is finding the places that are around. It actually sucks Siberia is gone now cause I mightve gone there regularly. Oh well.
So it's been busy. You can tell by the lack of updates. Musically, I am happy to report that we finished what is considered one of the best remixes we have EVER done. It's for Screen Vinyl Image and the song is called CHASER and the inside joke title of said remix is "Hypefactor's Blood On Your hands Mix". Some of you get that, it might be in a previous blog entry, who knows. We finished it on Saturday and the band loved it, so kudos to us and onto the next remix, for Peka, and also THE ALBUM which needs to get back on the track. New job and family commitment are not helping me get my shit together on several different levels.
Saw THE HULK which I was actually really enjoying until the third act. They had it right and then went way too deep into the CGI based bullshit and it seems every modern miracle of science in the last act of this movie happens in 4 minutes or less. But it was a million times better than the last one and my GOD the pop in the audience when Downey shows up at the end? Fuck me. I hope the SPIRIT gets that kinda pop someday. Who knows.
Other than that I have been doing my thing. I am on the very last mission of the GTA4 story and then I'll fuck around on it a bit before going on to Lego Indy, which nephew seems to like. We had a fun fathers day where the future Mrs. DeSanto made the Korean feast of a fucking lifetime. Holy shit it was good. My dad pulled a "Brad Cramp" and starved himself all day knowing this was coming. He was an animal. Success.
Now I must leave you with the new words of the best wrestling writer on Earth, Fernwood Gold 3 and his latest column: http://tvblog.ugo.com/index.php/tvblog/more/who_book_this_crap_a_rough_draft/
Lotsa cool gigs coming up, starting with the Cure this week and then BAYE next week. Plus a hooky DJ set! Holy shiz!
How are you? I am watching France Vs Italy. France is going home. I feel it. I'm sorry Damien. I think that's the case. They suck this year. I remember sitting in Les halles all those years ago with a hundred crazy fucking Frenchers and going mental when they won the cup. Fine, whatever. Wack.
I'm over in Hells Kitchen a lot these days. It's fun. Another part of the city I have yet to explore. The best part of a new gig is finding the places that are around. It actually sucks Siberia is gone now cause I mightve gone there regularly. Oh well.
So it's been busy. You can tell by the lack of updates. Musically, I am happy to report that we finished what is considered one of the best remixes we have EVER done. It's for Screen Vinyl Image and the song is called CHASER and the inside joke title of said remix is "Hypefactor's Blood On Your hands Mix". Some of you get that, it might be in a previous blog entry, who knows. We finished it on Saturday and the band loved it, so kudos to us and onto the next remix, for Peka, and also THE ALBUM which needs to get back on the track. New job and family commitment are not helping me get my shit together on several different levels.
Saw THE HULK which I was actually really enjoying until the third act. They had it right and then went way too deep into the CGI based bullshit and it seems every modern miracle of science in the last act of this movie happens in 4 minutes or less. But it was a million times better than the last one and my GOD the pop in the audience when Downey shows up at the end? Fuck me. I hope the SPIRIT gets that kinda pop someday. Who knows.
Other than that I have been doing my thing. I am on the very last mission of the GTA4 story and then I'll fuck around on it a bit before going on to Lego Indy, which nephew seems to like. We had a fun fathers day where the future Mrs. DeSanto made the Korean feast of a fucking lifetime. Holy shit it was good. My dad pulled a "Brad Cramp" and starved himself all day knowing this was coming. He was an animal. Success.
Now I must leave you with the new words of the best wrestling writer on Earth, Fernwood Gold 3 and his latest column: http://tvblog.ugo.com/index.php/tvblog/more/who_book_this_crap_a_rough_draft/
Lotsa cool gigs coming up, starting with the Cure this week and then BAYE next week. Plus a hooky DJ set! Holy shiz!
Blood On Your Hands
I know, as predicted, the posts have been infrequent. I'm sorry, it's just how it is. Being a grown up can occupy a lot of your time and my friend Fernwood Gold 3 over at UGO.com is constantly making me crazy and distracting me from rocking your shit here. So lets delve into the world of sake and arrogance...
I started the new gig on Monday and it went really well. I hope it stays as cool as the first week was. I think it might. The gig is cool and the people are nice.
Kudos to Kerry Hamill who got married this week to her longtime love, which gave our boy Danny an excuse to hang out with his superfuckingawesome nephew and niece. My nephew is probably forgetting I exist, because I sent him a copy of Lego Indiana Jones. He probably dreams in Lego. I know I dream in GTA. Dangerous.
On the western coast. Big Props to Barely for whom I picked up a Verve T at the gig and was rewarded with a promo copy of New Order's SIREN"S CALL autographed by Hooky himself. He's a keeper, Jenni.
Speaking of Hooky, I had a lovely evening chat with Matt Gentile Club Superstar Last Of the Famous International Playboys , fresh from the flight back from the UK that very day. He was jet lagged, but awesome enough to grab me the new UK Bass Guitarist magazine with Hooky on the cover AND a sweet ass Leeds University T-shirt, where you, like Andrew Eldritch can learn to speak different dialects of Chinese. Awesome. More on Matt shortly. He also provided this shot of Hooky DJing the Charlies aftershow in Manchester last week:

Thank you also Matt Gentile Club Superstar Last Of the Famous International Playboys for suggesting I check out the cool new UK band The Domino State. Between them and bands like Lowline and Rambo & Leroy, there are some new bands I hope we are on the cusp of as they release their debut albums. Stay tuned.
A week ago this past Friday, Ms. Bradish and I grabbed my cool aunt and we took her to see The Durans in Central Park. How often must I write about their awesomeness. This was the tour for the new album, which I assume has tanked, but wisely, they played about 4 of the new songs, peppered it properly through the set, and played the quality shit. They also did an expanded version of the sick awesome electro set which they did during the Bway run last year. They need to start getting a little daring with the setlists next time, I think, but man I could watch Roger Taylor drum any time. Ace.
Again, been keeping it low profile, showing up in various locales for a quick drink or bite here and there. Important events, like Ms. Cynthia O'Rourke's wedding (congrats!) and less important events, like sister visiting, kept me out of the studio, but allowed us to finish the SICK FUCKING AWESOME remix of Screen Vinyl Image and allowed me to get started on my remix of Peka that I had been chomping on the bit to do. Yeah, I snuck in some vocals for HF here and there, but honestly, a lot of this is about guitars now, so don't look at me, man. GTA4 isn't helping the focus much either.
Yesterday we swung into Ash's for the BBQ action. Quality food and folk (Matt Gentile Club Superstar Last Of the Famous International Playboys) kept it real. Matt Gentile Club Superstar Last Of the Famous International Playboys makes a fucking WICKED Mojito. Which is not surprising. Then we drank, I spun tunes, I threw a bottle at Bob and we listened to the remix in his car to sign off on it. Band like. Now you would think the bottle throwing was the most disturbing incident of the day, but NO, you didn't see Ash in a wifebater. Hey YO! (I had to) Then later, Brandt run away and I had no idea where I was going, so Matt and I sat outside like men and ate pasta.
Then today I cleaned like a maniac before FDS senior came over to hang out while Mom DeSanto and Irene attended a babyshower. Pizza was eaten, Ice Tea was consumed and then we waited for them to return to hear all the family gossip. Yay.
Anyway, I hope you are all well and keeping it crazy cool in this stupid hot weather. Behave and wash the blood off.
I started the new gig on Monday and it went really well. I hope it stays as cool as the first week was. I think it might. The gig is cool and the people are nice.
Kudos to Kerry Hamill who got married this week to her longtime love, which gave our boy Danny an excuse to hang out with his superfuckingawesome nephew and niece. My nephew is probably forgetting I exist, because I sent him a copy of Lego Indiana Jones. He probably dreams in Lego. I know I dream in GTA. Dangerous.
On the western coast. Big Props to Barely for whom I picked up a Verve T at the gig and was rewarded with a promo copy of New Order's SIREN"S CALL autographed by Hooky himself. He's a keeper, Jenni.
Speaking of Hooky, I had a lovely evening chat with Matt Gentile Club Superstar Last Of the Famous International Playboys , fresh from the flight back from the UK that very day. He was jet lagged, but awesome enough to grab me the new UK Bass Guitarist magazine with Hooky on the cover AND a sweet ass Leeds University T-shirt, where you, like Andrew Eldritch can learn to speak different dialects of Chinese. Awesome. More on Matt shortly. He also provided this shot of Hooky DJing the Charlies aftershow in Manchester last week:

Thank you also Matt Gentile Club Superstar Last Of the Famous International Playboys for suggesting I check out the cool new UK band The Domino State. Between them and bands like Lowline and Rambo & Leroy, there are some new bands I hope we are on the cusp of as they release their debut albums. Stay tuned.
A week ago this past Friday, Ms. Bradish and I grabbed my cool aunt and we took her to see The Durans in Central Park. How often must I write about their awesomeness. This was the tour for the new album, which I assume has tanked, but wisely, they played about 4 of the new songs, peppered it properly through the set, and played the quality shit. They also did an expanded version of the sick awesome electro set which they did during the Bway run last year. They need to start getting a little daring with the setlists next time, I think, but man I could watch Roger Taylor drum any time. Ace.
Again, been keeping it low profile, showing up in various locales for a quick drink or bite here and there. Important events, like Ms. Cynthia O'Rourke's wedding (congrats!) and less important events, like sister visiting, kept me out of the studio, but allowed us to finish the SICK FUCKING AWESOME remix of Screen Vinyl Image and allowed me to get started on my remix of Peka that I had been chomping on the bit to do. Yeah, I snuck in some vocals for HF here and there, but honestly, a lot of this is about guitars now, so don't look at me, man. GTA4 isn't helping the focus much either.
Yesterday we swung into Ash's for the BBQ action. Quality food and folk (Matt Gentile Club Superstar Last Of the Famous International Playboys) kept it real. Matt Gentile Club Superstar Last Of the Famous International Playboys makes a fucking WICKED Mojito. Which is not surprising. Then we drank, I spun tunes, I threw a bottle at Bob and we listened to the remix in his car to sign off on it. Band like. Now you would think the bottle throwing was the most disturbing incident of the day, but NO, you didn't see Ash in a wifebater. Hey YO! (I had to) Then later, Brandt run away and I had no idea where I was going, so Matt and I sat outside like men and ate pasta.
Then today I cleaned like a maniac before FDS senior came over to hang out while Mom DeSanto and Irene attended a babyshower. Pizza was eaten, Ice Tea was consumed and then we waited for them to return to hear all the family gossip. Yay.
Anyway, I hope you are all well and keeping it crazy cool in this stupid hot weather. Behave and wash the blood off.