

30 years ago on this very day, my folks took me to the movies. I was excited. I already knew I would love it. I was 4. I already had a Luke Skywalker figure. He was going to be my new hero, like Batman, like Captain Kirk. This movie came on, and by the time the first scene was over, I knew I would love it, and then there was Luke. Young. Enthusiastic. Simple. The hero. He even got his pops light sword). Yeah, he was kinda cool. Or gonna be cool. Especially if he used that sword on some of those guys in the white armour. But he was my new hero. But then something happened. Luke went with the old dude to the bar where there were cool aliens. One of them got pissed, wanted to kick my new heroes ass. The new hero with the sweet light sword. But what happened? Luke pussied and he had to be saved by the old man and I remember being four years old and thinking "weak". And a minute later was the moment where I knew I wasn't walking out of this cinema the same little kid:

HAN: Han Solo. I'm captain of the Millennium Falcon. Chewie here tells
me you're looking for passage to the Alderaan system.

BEN: Yes, indeed. If it's a fast ship.

HAN: Fast ship? You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon?

FORGET IT. Done. A young life altered forever. Nothing was ever the same. And still hasn't been. I am in a very fortunate position to be able to continue to embrace things that were important to me as a child in both my life and career. And it's ALL because of that one moment. I might have been a doctor if it wasnt for this movie, or living on a farm or some shit. 30 years ago, my road was chosen. Seriously. My imagination, my inner wise ass and love of filmmaking were all born that night. Knock on Lucas all you want, but he gave us this, cause there are millions of others who had moments like this throughout those movies and there are kids now and kids yet to be here who will all share this, except Brandt of course. Thank you George oh and thanks to my folks who never discouraged any of this.

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