
Caught Up

I'm slow to catch up, but things are moving full speed ahead here at MOGworld. With Irene off to Miami for E3 this weekend, I'm freeing up to do the things men do (work on music, watch Hong Kong Movies). This past weekend was a sunny day at the studio, which you see here, which is from the living room.B and I plowed full steam ahead on LENINGRAD, the most unusual song on the album. Man, does it sound sweet with the live drums hugging those loops. What I like about this song is not just the fact that you have no idea what lies ahead as the song progresses, but I feel this tune beneifts from the unique styles of each band member. Where this song starts is not exactly how this song ends, and there lies the charm. A keeper.

Meanwhile other things are afoot in HF world. Burnlab has reppeared to address the artwork issues at hand while our myspace presence has doubled as of late as we are trying to build momentum for the band and album so when the record is ready musically and sonically, everything is in place. We've been quietly plotting and scheming and it's an exciting time, except for certain setbacks that might lead us to have to write a new song from scratch. I'm hoping there's the "OH I KNOW" moment and the problem is solved, but it's looking less and less likely. Though we shall endeavor without interruption and will move ahead undeterred.

While Agent/Lawyer/Advisor treked from LA to San Fran for the Chemlab experience, which I'm told was a mega blast, her boyfriend's new modelling gig went on display in Soho. Thanks to her for importing my Chemlab gear back to LA. You can get some new Lab gear, including Tshirts designed by yours truly here, here: http://www.hydrogenbar.com/merch.html

I'm listening to the new Gustavo Lamas album, MAREO, which is excellent makes a nice birthday present for Brandt. I strongly urge any of you into good smooth warm electronics to check this album out. But it here: http://www.buenosaliens.com/ Also, Hooky himself has done an exclusive DJ mix for AOL: http://music.aol.com/musicstyles/dance.adp which is a cool site that has that Carlos D DJ set Irene took me to and some stuff thats probably much better than a goth half ass DJing at a museum.

And finally, my two favourite Krugers went to Hawaii and sent some transmissions of cuteness that I share with you now just cause I can and I love them:

1 comment:

ashley said...

Isn't that Gahan in that photo?