
"Was I Invited Onstage?"

The Holidays, while the busiest time of year for my significant other, are in fact the easiest time of the year for yours truly. Thus this leaves me vulnerable to do things I normally wouldn't do, i.e. workout regularly (and be complimented by my friend/bartender for looking "fit"), transport thousands of dollars of chocolate in a rented van through New York City on behalf of my lovely significant other (yes Brandt was shotgun), and cook dinner for The Kidd, only to watch him order Japanese food. Anyhow, those are stories best left to your imagination as the fleshed out versions are nowhere near as exciting, despite my having a life that is, as we used to say in the early charting days of the aggression, better than your year. These days, I tend to use the words "lucky" and "fortunate" to avoid anonymous douchebags posting here trying to cut myself and the MOGpac down.

Anyhow, I do work on music, despite what seems to be a lack of current output. The loops for HF are finally done and sound good. Brandt, who is on his way to Chicago for the Christmas thing, is now about to start prepping for the mixes. We spent the day yesterday backing up all of our respective hard drives to make sure we both had every current version of every current thing pertaining to this album...and then some. I have a rough draft of this Implant Remix done and now Brandt will work his magic on that. We're missing the deadline for that one I'm sure, but I'm working on 3 different things right now and I can't lose focus. One of those key things is MOG-X aka THANK YOU, MOSCOW. I will reveal no more till it is fully ready to be revealed. Ponder.

Meanwhile, Brandt has already upped the stakes in the "Buy F.J. An Awesome Christmas Present Competition" by delivering THIS; http://www.kidrobot.com/images/specimages/s-swnyc-2.jpg Frank White never looked so good!

On Saturday Night, while Brandt too his lameass to the Pixies, and Mattagement cockteased but back out of an appearance (which i would think is true club superstar fashion), I took my girl and the ladies of Internationalpoontang.com to the LAMEST VENUE IN THE WORLD, the hipster doucheathon known as Piano's to see my favourite band Saintface perform their first last gig of the year. They were raw and tight and entertaining and the money was well spent just to see the special kiss between Poontang Dorg and Mr. Saintface himself (thus the opening quote above). However, my ears are still ringing cause they can't mix sound in that hipster douche dive. That places skeeves me beyond belief. This evening was the first time i was able to discuss the Saintface album AT ALL, which I did with the bassist and keyboardist, both of whom I respect immensely. My dear friend the singer is avoided at all costs when it comes to this topic, which is by his own request. It looks as though our New Years will be spent with these lads as they perform at the much better venue Don Hills.

I have mentioned my two new favourite TV shows this year LIFE AS WE KNOW IT (featured in today's New York Times) and JACK AND BOBBY, both of which are on the bubble, but I have yet to mention how much I love BOSTON LEGAL. No show makes me laugh as hard and watching James Spader and my hero William Shatner interact this week is a gift from god. This show is a camp classic with two brilliant actors playing to their smarmy strengths and trying each week to sleep with women (of course Spader gets the amazing british chick) and ruining people's lives. This show is nomiated for multiple Golden Globes (including both actors) and is the best guilty pleasure on TV today. This show should have a long life. I could do 10 pages on this show, but I'll stop here and tell you to tape it weekly.

And now I must venture back to the land of GTA: San Andreas! I've just reached the point where we meet a character voiced by Shaun Ryder of the Happy Mondays, which to me is too funny. With the Roses and Primals on the soundtrack, having Shaun William Ryder's unique voice talking to me via a video game is very very enjoyable. He already is a character, so this makes sense.



Anonymous said...

Seriously, WAS I invited on stage? It was like those dreams I have about college where I show up for the final exam and forgot to go to class that semester.

mjg. said...

as grandpa franq enters the world of the senile - our WEEK is better than your year. having a life that is better than some's year isn't that bold.

and when you finally get there, say hi to my grandma for me.

F.J. said...

I also failed to mention that when not working my brain usually goes to shit and this is why we have Matt here to keep me from peeing on myself. Though he has to stop that from happening...